Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hello People!!

School has been ok . . . . . . . . . except for the fact that P.E. has started. I do not like P.E. We run, shoot hoops, play wallball and play really weird games. I like Art a LOT better than I like P.E. and I wish that I could have Band and Art all year except for Band the whole year, Art half the year, and P.E. the other half of the year. Off the subject of school. . . . . . I have a really small bathroom that connects to my room. All it has is a toilet and a stand up shower. The shower door would never close all the way because there was no magnet in the door handle. Because of that, water would get outside of the shower and it was ruining the floor. Today both the floor and the door handle got fixed!!!!! That mean tomorrow I can test out my shower again since we haven't been using it for a few months! (Since the water was getting outside of the shower, our ceiling downstairs was getting squishy under the spot where my shower was, so that if you pushed it, your finger would leave a mark.) So, we didn't use that shower once it started to damage our ceiling. So. . today had some benefits. What happened to me this weekend. . . well. . for starters, I fell off the horse I was riding during my lessons on Sunday. We were riding in the rain and I was riding a pony named Rebel. I was trotting without my stirrups like I was supposed to be doing, and Rebel spooked and jumped to the side. When she did that I was so surprised that I fell off. . . . . . . . into a huge pile of mud. My back and my legs were covered in mud and I got very dirty. After my fall I got right back on Rebel and started trotting again, this time with my feet in the stirrups. After I got home I could laugh about it and say how funny it was! I didn't get hurt, so it WAS funny afterwards!! I hope all of you guys had a great weekend!
See you!


Blogger Kyle said...

You are living the proverb, "Get back on the horse that threw you."
Not everyone can say that!

2:06 PM  

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