Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th!

Today is Friday the 13th and a lot of people at my school kept on bringing it up. My cousin made a comment about how it's supposed to be an unlucky day and today had been one of the best days ever! I found that kind of funny personally. I did nothing special at school today. Today I'm going to be home alone from 2:50 to around 9:30 with should be REALLY fun!! At the moment it's only 5:50 and I'm still entertaining myself just fine! I read a few more pages into Eragon, and it keeps on reminding me a little bit of The Lord of the Rings. Did anyone else get that impression? It's a very good book so far though. In my spare time I am also reading David Copperfield, because my dad told my sisters and I that we couldn't watch the movie until I finished reading the book. I have about 600 more pages to go before I finish it. I won't be finished reading it for a very long time. It's also a good book. Does anyone out there have any suggestions for books that you think I should read? I hope Friday the 13th didn't result in bad consequences for you guys!
Talk to you Later!


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