Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Free Poverty - AGAIN!

I encourage everyone to go to this website at least once a day - the difference you can make is amazing.

Yesterday, I watched my sister and her friend attempt to find where the places were on freepoverty. Sadly, to put it bluntly, they knew almost nothing about geography. I ended up pointing where the desired destination was, and they would blindly click in that general vicinity. Even if they weren't that great - it still helped!

Go to freepoverty - it helps!
ALSO - another great website to try out is freerice.com It has the same general concept (providing food for those in need) but instead of a geography game, it is a game full of words and definitions. They give you a word and you choose the correct definition. If you want to try your luck, you can also try this game in different languages or with different topics in mind.

I hope everyone had a great day, and a great 4th of July weekend. :)