Saturday, March 18, 2006

It's My Birthday!!!

It's my birthday!!!! I'm turning 12 today. I'm having my birthday party later with some of my friends. It should be really fun!! We're going to have the party at my dad's house, which is bigger than my mom's house, so that we have more room to do art projects and to sleep. Yesterday at school, a couple of my friends decorated my locker. It's kind of like a trend that either my school does, or just our hallway does, but people decorate each other's lockers for their birthdays. What people do, is they take some wrapping paper, and they pretty much make it look like someone wrapped your locker up. They put ribbons and bows and stuff on it too. My locker looks cool now! : ) Inside my locker, there was a basket that had candy and earrings in it and there was balloons all around the basket. It was really cute!!! I liked it a lot. I hope everyone has a great day today! I know I will!! Now, I'm going to go change my profile! : )


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