Sunday, December 31, 2006


Hi! -
Happy holidays everyone!!
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzah, or any other holiday/religion, I hope December has been a pleasent time for you!!
I had a pretty good December. Getting a break from school was a VERY NICE relief, and I think it came at the right time.
I got lots of cool presents for Christmas! That includes clothes, books, movies, little odds and ends, other stuff, and an I Pod Nano. I haven't used it yet, but I have started to organize songs between songs that I do/don't want to move to my I Pod, so that's something at least.
It's already 2007 for some people, so for those people, I wish you a great January, and I hope 2007 is great for you. For people who are still in 2006, have a great 2007, but I'm sorry that you have to wait some more.
Have a great New Year!!!!!


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