Saturday, December 02, 2006


Hello! -
So, the biggest news where I live is that it has snowed!!! YIPPEE!!!! It's almost gone now, but it did snow a lot. In a city where you don't get snow every year, it was great to have snow for once!! The mountains normally get snow, but not us.
This past week at school was interesting because of the snow. Monday - 1 1/2 hour delay. Tuesday - No School. Wednesday - No School. Thursday - 1 1/2 hour delay. Friday - Normal School Day. I think we got somewhere inbetween 3 to 5 inches of snow. It was so pretty!!! I love how snow can make everything seem really serene and peaceful!!
I'll post some pictures of the snow soon, but the pictures are on the other computer, so I'll have to e-mail them to myself, and then post them. It might be a couple of days.
Have fun where you live!!!!!!


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